Members & Network

When you join the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA), you become an active member of a network representing 700,000 residents province wide.

SPRA provides a provincial voice allowing its members to promote and facilitate parks, recreation and leisure opportunities throughout Saskatchewan. Through membership, you can be part of that voice!

SPRA allocates funding through the Recreation Section of the Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation to eligible recreation organizations. There are currently 33 Provincial Recreation Organizations and seven Sport Culture and Recreation Districts on the Minister’s Eligibility List. This funding supports these Members with the delivery of quality recreation experiences throughout the province.

Become a Member Today!

Learn more about the benefits of an SPRA membership.

Provincial Recreation Associations

We administer funding through the Sask Lotteries Trust Fund to support Provincial Recreation Associations (PRAs) identified on the Minister’s Eligibility List. Learn more about the PRAs here.

Commercial Members

We provide benefits to commercial businesses whose products and services support the recreation industry. Learn more about our Commercial Members here.

Sport, Culture and Recreation Districts

There are seven Sport, Culture and Recreation Districts in Saskatchewan, which facilitate community development and coordinate District networks to enhance access to sport, culture and recreation programs and services in the province. Learn more about the Sport, Culture and Recreation Districts here