“I believe it's important for local governments to support Parks and Recreation through their taxes. Because a lot of our community is centered around the relationship with others in the parks and the recreation facilities. They give us that opportunity to get to know other people and build community and make things better for all.” - Survey Participant
All ages and regions of Saskatchewan had similar responses with no statistical difference. However, those with children in their household were significantly more likely to say that they strongly support local government dedicating revenues to recreation operations and improvements at nearly half of those with children or 46% coming in strongly in support of recreation.
“Recreation improvement is a fantastic thing and it is definitely needed. If it weren't for pools, sports programs, libraries etc., I don't think our kids would have the same access to learning as they do now.” - Survey Participant
We also were pleased to get a number of video testimonials from respondents who strongly supported funding parks and recreation operations and improvements. These qualitative statements show that our fellow SK citizens are well aware of the need for accessibility to free or low-cost recreation opportunities in their communities as well as the benefits to other industries such as tourism.
Saskatchewan People Recognize Recreation's Value
We hope that these results can help those advocating for the parks and recreation industry in their efforts as well as reinforce that the public is aware of and in support of the benefits of parks and recreation in their community and strongly support their funding.
With the severe decrease in outings and in-person interactions we have all experienced recently, the need for spaces where we can build relationships and get the movement we need to maintain our physical and mental wellbeing is being widely recognized.
“I support money be targeted to parks for a very simple reason. That it advantages the entire community. It's also good for kids to have a place to play, it's good for everyone to get out and exercise and enjoy the outdoors seeing as our Saskatchewan summers are so short as it is.” - Survey Participant
Survey Method
801 adults age 18+ were polled through Insightrix Research Inc.’s online public poll service with respondents roughly equally separated into 4 regions: Saskatoon, Regina, South Saskatchewan, North Saskatchewan based on postal code.
The specific questions we asked were “Do you support or oppose local government dedicating revenues, taxes and levies to specifically target:
Park operations and improvement (such as trail maintenance and construction, tree management and planting, turf care, etc.)
Recreation operations and improvement (such as rink or pool maintenance and upgrades, recreation programs for children, etc.)
Respondents chose an answer from: strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, strongly oppose.
Participants in the survey were also asked if they would consent to recording a video or audio message stating in their own words why they support funding for parks and recreation.