Gearing up for Gardening – Supported by the JRPM Connection Grant

The latest theme we have seen with our June is Recreation & Parks Month (JRPM) Connection Grant focuses on making communities more beautiful places and supporting participation in healthy activities. 

Spring and summer are the times of year where communities work hard to bring greenery and beautiful plants to life. June is Recreation & Parks Month is the perfect time to promote gardening as a recreation activity and the benefits of green spaces. Many applicants are using the funding through the JRPM Connection Grant to support the recreational activity of gardening. This provides education about flowers, vegetables, trees and the many other plants that benefit people across the province.

(Photo: CiB 2020 Photo Contest Winner Assiniboia)

The Village of Christopher Lake is helping the community learn about sustainability with their Gardening Days-Grown Your Own! Program. Christopher Lake is teaching the community about the importance of gardening and growing your own fruits and vegetables to become self-sustainable. This Program will also inspire the community to try new food and therefore promoting healthy eating.  

Lake Charron Regional Park Authority is also showing their patrons how to grow fruit, vegetables, and flowers. The Park Authority wants to educate young people while encouraging participation amongst the older adults in the community with this educational initiative. 

Lastly, the Town of Moosomin is hosting a tree and flower planting workshop. During the month of June, community members will learn about different tree and flower species as well as effective planting strategies. 

(Photo: CiB 2020 Photo Contest Winner Craik)

Great work everyone!  
Gardening is a great activity for individuals and communities to get involved. Gardening can benefit individuals’ mental health immensely. According to, gardening can promote healthy eating, promote exercise, reduce screen time activity, increase mood, decrease stress, and even boost concentration power. (Source: The Benefits of Gardening for Your Mental Health (

On the community level, gardening can bring the same benefits as an individual with additional benefits of social inclusion, increased appreciation for nature, as well as numerous therapeutic benefits.

It is exciting to hear about all the great communities participating in June is Recreation & Parks Month. To see everything happening, please visit: 
June is Recreation & Parks Month (

(Photo: CiB 2020 Photo Contest Winner Eston)