Disc golf has been very popular with June is Recreation and Parks Month Connection Grant applicants this year. Communities like Swift Current are excited to give their community members a chance to try out the new disc golf course in the city. With funding through the JRPM Connection Grant, the city is purchasing disc golf kits that can be signed out by members of the community. This will give community members the opportunity to try out the sport and then purchase their own equipment if they choose. Swift Current is just one of many communities using the grant to introduce residents to an activity that is quickly gaining popularity here in the province.

According to The Globe and Mail, “last year, the Professional Disc Golf Association saw its largest rise in membership in the organization’s history, going from 53,000 active members worldwide in 2019 to 71,000 active members in 2020.” The Globe reported that, “Canada now has the third-most courses of any country in the world, behind the U.S. and Finland (How disc golf became the ultimate pandemic sport)."
Yoga is another popular activity that JRPM Grant Recipients are organizing to help their communities be more healthy and active in their homes and outdoors. Communities like Mossbank, Creighton, and Arcola are providing either free or affordable yoga programs for their communities in available outdoor green spaces. Yoga is a great activity for people of any age and fitness level!
Scavenger hunts, photo contests, and online challenges are other ideas communities are implementing with JRPM funding. Communities like Hague, Coteau and Battleford are putting their staff’s creativity to the test by providing fun, safe, and challenging activities for their communities to participate in. Activities like scavenger hunts and photo contests are a great way to get people to actively explore their community. They are also easy to modify and structure based on your communities interests and participation level.
For more information about the June is Recreation & Parks Month Connection Grant, visit spra.sk.ca/jrpm.